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185 results
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Letters From The East ...

Letters From The East ...

Place, Year: London, 1826
BOOK ID: B.0045
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Birth Of Cyprus ...

Birth Of Cyprus ...

Place, Year: Limassol, 1885
BOOK ID: B.0178
Del Vino Di Cipro Ragionamento ...

Del Vino Di Cipro Ragionamento ...

Place, Year: Florence, 1772
BOOK ID: B.0228
Isole Piu Famose Del Mondo ...

Isole Piu Famose Del Mondo ...

Place, Year: Venice, 1572
BOOK ID: B.2184
Itinerario Da Terra Santa...

Itinerario Da Terra Santa...

Place, Year: Lisbon, 1721
BOOK ID: B.0273
Reyss und Bilgerfahrt/ zum Heyligen Grab ...

Reyss und Bilgerfahrt/ zum Heyligen Grab ...

Place, Year: Rorschach, 1606
BOOK ID: B.2260
Voyage Au Levant ...

Voyage Au Levant ...

Place, Year: Paris but Amsterdam, 1714
BOOK ID: B.0039
Voyage Du Mont Liban ...

Voyage Du Mont Liban ...

Place, Year: Paris but probably The Hague, 1685
BOOK ID: B.0071
Journal From Calcutta in Bengal, by Sea, to Busserah ...

Journal From Calcutta in Bengal, by Sea, to Busserah ...

Place, Year: London, 1757
BOOK ID: B.0073
Travels Through Different Cities of Germany, Italy, Greece, And Several Parts Of Asia…

Travels Through Different Cities of Germany, Italy, Greece, And Several Parts Of Asia…

Place, Year: London, 1754
BOOK ID: B.0089
Voyages And Travels Of A Sea Officer ...

Voyages And Travels Of A Sea Officer ...

Place, Year: Dublin, 1792
BOOK ID: B.2309
Recherches Scientifiques En Orient ...

Recherches Scientifiques En Orient ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1855
BOOK ID: B.0142
Itinerarium Ægypti, Arabiæ, Palæstinæ ...

Itinerarium Ægypti, Arabiæ, Palæstinæ ...

Place, Year: Nuremberg, 1621
BOOK ID: B.0133
Dissertazione Istorico-Critica Sull’ Antica Città Di Citium ...

Dissertazione Istorico-Critica Sull’ Antica Città Di Citium ...

Place, Year: Livorno, 1787
BOOK ID: B.0229
Voyages Dans Le Levant ...

Voyages Dans Le Levant ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1769
BOOK ID: B.0160
Étude sur L’Ile De Chypre…

Étude sur L’Ile De Chypre… (In progress)

Place, Year: Aarschot, 1871
BOOK ID: B.1405
Chorograffia ... Dell’Isola de Cipro ...

Chorograffia ... Dell’Isola de Cipro ...

Place, Year: Bologna, 1573
BOOK ID: B.0213
Vita E Virtù Del Beato Bartolommeo ...

Vita E Virtù Del Beato Bartolommeo ...

Place, Year: Parma, 1794
BOOK ID: B.0388
Isole famose...

Isole famose...

Place, Year: Venice, 1575
BOOK ID: B.1606
Costumes & Usages des Peuples de la Grèce Moderne...

Costumes & Usages des Peuples de la Grèce Moderne...

Place, Year: Paris, ca. 1828
BOOK ID: B.2115
Itinerarij Terre sancte ...

Itinerarij Terre sancte ...

Place, Year: Lyon, 1525
BOOK ID: B.1745
Cyprus. Compiled In The Intelligence Branch ...

Cyprus. Compiled In The Intelligence Branch ...

Place, Year: London, 1878
BOOK ID: B.2181
Abbildung des Türkischen Hofes ...

Abbildung des Türkischen Hofes ...

Place, Year: Nuremberg, 1721
BOOK ID: B.0426
Cinque Canti Della Memorabil Guerra...

Cinque Canti Della Memorabil Guerra...

Place, Year: Mantua, 1572
BOOK ID: B.1628
Levkosia Die Hauptstadt Von Cypern ...

Levkosia Die Hauptstadt Von Cypern ...

Place, Year: Prague, 1873
BOOK ID: B.0316
Constantinople Ancient and Modern ...

Constantinople Ancient and Modern ...

Place, Year: London, 1797
BOOK ID: B.0460
Our Home In Cyprus...

Our Home In Cyprus...

Place, Year: London, 1880
BOOK ID: B.0330
Λεπταὶ Γραμμαὶ ...

Λεπταὶ Γραμμαὶ ...

Place, Year: Cyprus, 1894
BOOK ID: B.0183
Scripture Geography...

Scripture Geography...

Place, Year: London, ca. 1670
BOOK ID: B.2122
De Sacro Foedere In Selimum Libri Quattuor...

De Sacro Foedere In Selimum Libri Quattuor...

Place, Year: Genoa, 1587
BOOK ID: B.0710
Viage Á Constantinopla, En El Año De 1784 ...

Viage Á Constantinopla, En El Año De 1784 ...

Place, Year: Madrid, 1790
BOOK ID: B.0261
Travels Through Turkey In Asia ...

Travels Through Turkey In Asia ...

Place, Year: Glasgow, 1798
BOOK ID: B.1558
Voyages And Travels In the Levant ...

Voyages And Travels In the Levant ...

Place, Year: London, 1766
BOOK ID: B.0161
Viaggio Da Venezia Al S. Sepolcro …

Viaggio Da Venezia Al S. Sepolcro …

Place, Year: Naples, 1723
BOOK ID: B.0025
Neue Erdbeschreibung ...

Neue Erdbeschreibung ...

Place, Year: Hamburg, 1758-1768
BOOK ID: B.0040
Itinerarium Hierosolymitanum ...

Itinerarium Hierosolymitanum ...

Place, Year: Antwerp, 1619
BOOK ID: B.0069
Description Exacte Des Iles De L’Archipel ...

Description Exacte Des Iles De L’Archipel ...

Place, Year: The Hague, 1730
BOOK ID: B.0074
Memoirs Of Baron De Tott ...

Memoirs Of Baron De Tott ...

Place, Year: London, 1785
BOOK ID: B.0077
Voiage De Levant Fait par le Commandement Du Roy ...

Voiage De Levant Fait par le Commandement Du Roy ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1632
BOOK ID: B.0079
Travels Through Part of Europe, Asia Minor, The Islands of the Archipelago ...

Travels Through Part of Europe, Asia Minor, The Islands of the Archipelago ...

Place, Year: London, 1759
BOOK ID: B.0101
Reis=Beschreibung. In Egypten/ Arabien/ Palästinam ...

Reis=Beschreibung. In Egypten/ Arabien/ Palästinam ...

Place, Year: Nuremberg, 1646
BOOK ID: B.0134
Voiage And Travaile Of Sir John Maundevile ...

Voiage And Travaile Of Sir John Maundevile ...

Place, Year: London, 1727
BOOK ID: B.1689
Reize Van Jonas Korte Naar Palestina ... En Cyprus ...

Reize Van Jonas Korte Naar Palestina ... En Cyprus ...

Place, Year: Haarlem, 1776
BOOK ID: B.0187
Totall Discourse ...

Totall Discourse ...

Place, Year: London, 1640
BOOK ID: B.0204
Viaggi Per L’ Isola Di Cipro ...

Viaggi Per L’ Isola Di Cipro ...

Place, Year: Lucca; Florence, 1769-1776
BOOK ID: B.0231
Travels Through Cyprus, Syria, And Palestine ...

Travels Through Cyprus, Syria, And Palestine ...

Place, Year: London, 1791-1792
BOOK ID: B.0233
Creta, Cyprus, Rhodus ..

Creta, Cyprus, Rhodus ..

Place, Year: Amsterdam, 1675
BOOK ID: B.0250
Peregrinus In Jerusalem ...

Peregrinus In Jerusalem ...

Place, Year: Vienna and Nuremberg, 1735
BOOK ID: B.0263
Twee Reysen van Johan Newberie ...

Twee Reysen van Johan Newberie ...

Place, Year: Leiden, 1706
BOOK ID: B.0270
Description Of The East, And Some other Countries ...

Description Of The East, And Some other Countries ...

Place, Year: London, 1743-1745
BOOK ID: B.0285
Purchas his Pilgrimage ...

Purchas his Pilgrimage ...

Place, Year: London, 1617
BOOK ID: B.0291
Vite De I Santi, E Beati Del Sacro Ordine De’ Frati Predicatori ...

Vite De I Santi, E Beati Del Sacro Ordine De’ Frati Predicatori ...

Place, Year: Florence, 1588-1587
BOOK ID: B.0294
Rese=Beskrifning, Ifrän Cypren, til Asien ...

Rese=Beskrifning, Ifrän Cypren, til Asien ...

Place, Year: Stockholm, 1768
BOOK ID: B.0295
Reise=Buch Auff Jerusalem/ Cairo in Ægypten und Constantinopell ...

Reise=Buch Auff Jerusalem/ Cairo in Ægypten und Constantinopell ...

Place, Year: Copenhagen, 1669
BOOK ID: B.0304
Relation of a Journey begun An: Dom: 1610 ...

Relation of a Journey begun An: Dom: 1610 ...

Place, Year: London, 1621
BOOK ID: B.0320
Travels ...

Travels ...

Place, Year: Oxford, 1738
BOOK ID: B.0335
Viaggi Di Pietro Della Valle ...

Viaggi Di Pietro Della Valle ...

Place, Year: Venice, 1664-1663
BOOK ID: B.0358
Voyages Du Sr. De Villamont ...

Voyages Du Sr. De Villamont ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1604
BOOK ID: B.0361
Voyage En Syrie Et En Égypte ...

Voyage En Syrie Et En Égypte ...

Place, Year: Paris?, 1792
BOOK ID: B.0364
Travels Through Syria And Egypt ...

Travels Through Syria And Egypt ...

Place, Year: London, 1788
BOOK ID: B.0365
Travels Through Swisserland, Italy, Sicily, the Greek Islands, to Constantinople ...

Travels Through Swisserland, Italy, Sicily, the Greek Islands, to Constantinople ...

Place, Year: London, 1792
BOOK ID: B.0371
Tresdevot Voyage De Jerusalem ...

Tresdevot Voyage De Jerusalem ...

Place, Year: Antwerp, 1600
BOOK ID: B.0378
Devotissimo Viaggio Di Gierusalemme ...

Devotissimo Viaggio Di Gierusalemme ...

Place, Year: Rome, 1595
BOOK ID: B.0379
Viaggio In Levante Al Santo Sepolcro ...

Viaggio In Levante Al Santo Sepolcro ...

Place, Year: Bologna, 1708
BOOK ID: B.1744
Arcipelago Con tutte le Isole…

Arcipelago Con tutte le Isole…

Place, Year: Venice, 1658
BOOK ID: B.1616
Voyage From England to India, In The Year MDCCLIV ...

Voyage From England to India, In The Year MDCCLIV ...

Place, Year: London, 1773
BOOK ID: B.1074
Relation D’Un Voyage Du Levant ...

Relation D’Un Voyage Du Levant ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1717
BOOK ID: B.0436
Relation Journaliere Du Voyage Du Levant ...

Relation Journaliere Du Voyage Du Levant ...

Place, Year: Nancy, 1615
BOOK ID: B.0906
Voyage En Divers Etats D’Europe Et D’Asie ...

Voyage En Divers Etats D’Europe Et D’Asie ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1692
BOOK ID: B.0865
Libro Di Benedetto Bordone ...

Libro Di Benedetto Bordone ...

Place, Year: Venice, 1528
BOOK ID: B.0861
Itinerarium Novi Testamenti ...

Itinerarium Novi Testamenti ...

Place, Year: Magdeburg, 1591
BOOK ID: B.0528
Peregrinus In Jerusalem ...

Peregrinus In Jerusalem ...

Place, Year: Prague, 1729
BOOK ID: B.0527
Principal Navigations ...

Principal Navigations ...

Place, Year: London, 1599
BOOK ID: B.0523
Voyage Du Sieur Paul Lucas Au Levant ...

Voyage Du Sieur Paul Lucas Au Levant ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1731
BOOK ID: B.0520
Voyage Du Sieur De Stochove ...

Voyage Du Sieur De Stochove ...

Place, Year: Brussels, 1643
BOOK ID: B.0519
Itinerarium Totius Sacræ Scripturæ ...

Itinerarium Totius Sacræ Scripturæ ...

Place, Year: London, 1636
BOOK ID: B.0518
Description Exacte Des Isles De L’Archipel ...

Description Exacte Des Isles De L’Archipel ...

Place, Year: Amsterdam, 1703
BOOK ID: B.0428
Beschreibung des Morgenlandes und einiger andern Länder ...

Beschreibung des Morgenlandes und einiger andern Länder ...

Place, Year: Erlangen, 1791
BOOK ID: B.0424
Ἱστορία Χρονολογικὴ Τῆς Νήσου Κύπρου ...

Ἱστορία Χρονολογικὴ Τῆς Νήσου Κύπρου ...

Place, Year: Venice, 1788
BOOK ID: B.2265
Geographiae Libri Octo...

Geographiae Libri Octo...

Place, Year: Amsterdam and Frankfurt, 1605
BOOK ID: B.1607
Collection of engraved plates illustrating the wars of the Austrians and the Venetians against the Turks

Collection of engraved plates illustrating the wars of the Austrians and the Venetians against the Turks

Place, Year: Rome, 1688
BOOK ID: B.2140
Al Divo Cinquecento cinque e diece...

Al Divo Cinquecento cinque e diece...

Place, Year: Venice, ca. 1485
BOOK ID: B.1705
Diporti Notturni...

Diporti Notturni...

Place, Year: Ancona, 1580
BOOK ID: B.2160
Τυπικὴ Διάταξις... τῆς... Μονῆς... Μαχαιράδος...

Τυπικὴ Διάταξις... τῆς... Μονῆς... Μαχαιράδος...

Place, Year: Venice, 1756
BOOK ID: B.0100
Cosmographie De Levant...

Cosmographie De Levant...

Place, Year: Lyon, 1554
BOOK ID: B.1750
Περιγραφὴ Τῆς Ἱερᾶς Σεβασμίας Καὶ Βασιλικῆς Μονῆς...Τοῦ Κύκκου...

Περιγραφὴ Τῆς Ἱερᾶς Σεβασμίας Καὶ Βασιλικῆς Μονῆς...Τοῦ Κύκκου...

Place, Year: Venice, 1817
BOOK ID: B.0284
Report On The Locust Campaign Of 1884 ...

Report On The Locust Campaign Of 1884 ...

Place, Year: London, 1884
BOOK ID: B.2194
Travels Of Martin Baumgarten ...

Travels Of Martin Baumgarten ...

Place, Year: London, 1704
BOOK ID: B.1525
Zee en Landt Reyse, Gedaen naer de Levante ...

Zee en Landt Reyse, Gedaen naer de Levante ...

Place, Year: Amsterdam, 1649
BOOK ID: B.1570
Reys Naer het Heylig Land ...

Reys Naer het Heylig Land ...

Place, Year: Antwerp, ca 1670
BOOK ID: B.1474
Voyages & Travels Of Sir John Mandevile ...

Voyages & Travels Of Sir John Mandevile ...

Place, Year: London, 1684
BOOK ID: B.1804
Gründtliche Beschreibung Der Wallfart nach dem heiligen Lande ...

Gründtliche Beschreibung Der Wallfart nach dem heiligen Lande ...

Place, Year: Görlitz, 1580
BOOK ID: B.2062
Buch von dem Weg zu dem Heiligen Grab ...

Buch von dem Weg zu dem Heiligen Grab ...

Place, Year: Augsburg, 1477
BOOK ID: B.1711
Lettre A Monseigneur Roüillé ...

Lettre A Monseigneur Roüillé ...

Place, Year: Lisbon, 1702
BOOK ID: B.2029
Relation ... Du Voyage De La Terre Sainte ...

Relation ... Du Voyage De La Terre Sainte ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1700-1701
BOOK ID: B.1746
Reyszbeschreibung Desz ... Herrn Wolffgang Müntzers ...

Reyszbeschreibung Desz ... Herrn Wolffgang Müntzers ...

Place, Year: Nuremberg, 1624
BOOK ID: B.1726
Relation Nouvelle ... D’Un Voyage De La Terre Sainte ...

Relation Nouvelle ... D’Un Voyage De La Terre Sainte ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1688
BOOK ID: B.1529
Essais De Géographie …

Essais De Géographie …

Place, Year: Neuchâtel, 1784
BOOK ID: B.1557
Itinerarivm Sacræ Scriptvræ …

Itinerarivm Sacræ Scriptvræ …

Place, Year: Magdeburg, 1589
BOOK ID: B.2005
Viaggio Da Venetia Al S. Sepolcro …

Viaggio Da Venetia Al S. Sepolcro …

Place, Year: Bologna, 1673
BOOK ID: B.0024


Place, Year: Ulm, 1482
BOOK ID: B.2044
Letters Of A Traveller ...

Letters Of A Traveller ...

Place, Year: London, 1798
BOOK ID: B.0010
Travels Of Sig. Pietro della Valle ...

Travels Of Sig. Pietro della Valle ...

Place, Year: London, 1665
BOOK ID: B.1530
Itinerary Written By Fynes Moryson ...

Itinerary Written By Fynes Moryson ...

Place, Year: London, 1617
BOOK ID: B.2071
Kurtzer und warhafftiger Bericht ...

Kurtzer und warhafftiger Bericht ...

Place, Year: Leipzig, 1579
BOOK ID: B.1725
Itinerarium D. Beniaminis ...

Itinerarium D. Beniaminis ...

Place, Year: Leiden, 1633
BOOK ID: B.1742
Hierosolymitana Peregrinatio ...

Hierosolymitana Peregrinatio ...

Year: 1601
BOOK ID: B.1360
Rese=Beskrifning, Ifrän Cypren, til Asien ...

Rese=Beskrifning, Ifrän Cypren, til Asien ...

Place, Year: Stockholm, 1783
BOOK ID: B.1710
Voyage De Constantinople A Bassora, En 1781 ...

Voyage De Constantinople A Bassora, En 1781 ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1797/8
BOOK ID: B.2009
Nouveau Voyage Fait Au Levant ...

Nouveau Voyage Fait Au Levant ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1742
BOOK ID: B.1398
Die fart oder reysz über mere zů dem heyligē grab ...

Die fart oder reysz über mere zů dem heyligē grab ...

Place, Year: Augsburg, 1488
BOOK ID: B.2156
Devotissimo Viaggio Di Gerusalemme ...

Devotissimo Viaggio Di Gerusalemme ...

Place, Year: Rome, 1587
BOOK ID: B.1668
Beschreibung des Morgenlandes und einiger anderer Länder ...

Beschreibung des Morgenlandes und einiger anderer Länder ...

Place, Year: Erlangen and Leipzig, 1754-1755
BOOK ID: B.1399
Ejgentliche beschreibung der hin unnd wider farth zu dem Heyligen Landt ...

Ejgentliche beschreibung der hin unnd wider farth zu dem Heyligen Landt ...

Place, Year: Frankfurt, 1556
BOOK ID: B.1747
Peregrinations Du S. Jean Palerne Foresien ...

Peregrinations Du S. Jean Palerne Foresien ...

Place, Year: Lyon, 1606
BOOK ID: B.1748
Travels To Discover The Source Of The Nile ...

Travels To Discover The Source Of The Nile ...

Place, Year: Edinburgh and London, 1790
BOOK ID: B.1359
Peregrinatione Di Terra Santa ...

Peregrinatione Di Terra Santa ...

Place, Year: Palermo, 1630
BOOK ID: B.1563
Voiage De Levant Fait par le Commandement Du Roy ...

Voiage De Levant Fait par le Commandement Du Roy ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1645
BOOK ID: B.2050
Pieux Pelerin, Ou Voyage De Jerusalem ...

Pieux Pelerin, Ou Voyage De Jerusalem ...

Place, Year: Brussels, 1666
BOOK ID: B.2070
Naukeurige Beschryving der Eilanden, in de Archipel der Middelantsche Zee ...

Naukeurige Beschryving der Eilanden, in de Archipel der Middelantsche Zee ...

Place, Year: Amsterdam, 1688
BOOK ID: B.0072
Einleitung In die Alte und Neuere Geographia ...

Einleitung In die Alte und Neuere Geographia ...

Place, Year: Vienna, 1737
BOOK ID: B.1792
English Pilot. Part III ...

English Pilot. Part III ...

Place, Year: London, after 1716
BOOK ID: B.0104
Le Voyageur François ...

Le Voyageur François ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1772
BOOK ID: B.2462
Voyage De La Terre-Sainte ...

Voyage De La Terre-Sainte ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1661
BOOK ID: B.1562
Journal ... From Bassora To Bagdad ... To Aleppo, Cyprus, Rhodes, Zante, Corfu ...

Journal ... From Bassora To Bagdad ... To Aleppo, Cyprus, Rhodes, Zante, Corfu ...

Place, Year: Horsham, 1784
BOOK ID: B.2284
Account Of Divers Choice Remarks ...

Account Of Divers Choice Remarks ...

Place, Year: London, 1701
BOOK ID: B.1566
Voyage Des Indes Orientales ...

Voyage Des Indes Orientales ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1699
BOOK ID: B.1528
Journey Over Land To India ...

Journey Over Land To India ...

Place, Year: London, 1795
BOOK ID: B.2376
Ιn das gantze Gelobt= und Heilige Land ... Reis=Beschreibung ...

Ιn das gantze Gelobt= und Heilige Land ... Reis=Beschreibung ...

Place, Year: Ulm, 1723
BOOK ID: B.1755
A Treatise Of The Plague ...

A Treatise Of The Plague ...

Place, Year: London, 1791
BOOK ID: B.2387
Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien und andern umliegenden Ländern ...

Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien und andern umliegenden Ländern ...

Place, Year: Copenhagen and Hamburg, 1774-1778, 1837
BOOK ID: B.2311
Palestina Ovvero Primo Viaggio Di F. Leandro Di Santa Cecilia ...— Persia Ovvero Secondo Viaggio ... — Mesopotamia Ovvero Terzo Viaggio ...

Palestina Ovvero Primo Viaggio Di F. Leandro Di Santa Cecilia ...— Persia Ovvero Secondo Viaggio ... — Mesopotamia Ovvero Terzo Viaggio ...

Place, Year: Rome, 1753-1757
BOOK ID: B.1706
Mémoires ... Sur Les Turcs Et Les Tartares ...

Mémoires ... Sur Les Turcs Et Les Tartares ...

Place, Year: Amsterdam, 1785
BOOK ID: B.1703
Voyage Du Sieur Paul Lucas Au Levant ...

Voyage Du Sieur Paul Lucas Au Levant ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1704
BOOK ID: B.1554
Voyage Du Sieur Paul Lucas ... Dans La Grece ...

Voyage Du Sieur Paul Lucas ... Dans La Grece ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1712
BOOK ID: B.1552
Rerum Græcarum libri II ...

Rerum Græcarum libri II ...

Place, Year: Vienna, 1558
BOOK ID: B.2114
Voyage Par L’Italie, En Egypte Au Mont-Liban ...

Voyage Par L’Italie, En Egypte Au Mont-Liban ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1787
BOOK ID: B.1789
Mémoires ... Sur Les Turcs Et Les Tartares ...

Mémoires ... Sur Les Turcs Et Les Tartares ...

Place, Year: Amsterdam, 1785
BOOK ID: B.1473
Purchas His Pilgrimes ...

Purchas His Pilgrimes ...

Place, Year: London, 1625
BOOK ID: B.2012
Strabonis Rerum Geographicarum Libri Septemdecim ...

Strabonis Rerum Geographicarum Libri Septemdecim ...

Place, Year: Basel, 1571
BOOK ID: B.1758
Tratado De Los Mysterios ... dela tierra Sancta ...

Tratado De Los Mysterios ... dela tierra Sancta ...

Place, Year: Salamanca, 1573
BOOK ID: B.1708
Reyszbuch desz heyligen Lands ...

Reyszbuch desz heyligen Lands ...

Place, Year: Frankfurt, 1609
BOOK ID: B.1753
Relation D’Un Voyage Du Levant ...

Relation D’Un Voyage Du Levant ...

Place, Year: Lyon, 1727
BOOK ID: B.2154
Putowanj/ aneb Cesta z Kralowstwj Cžeského do Města Benátek ...

Putowanj/ aneb Cesta z Kralowstwj Cžeského do Města Benátek ...

Place, Year: Prague, 1608
BOOK ID: B.1701
Ægyptiaca Servitus ...

Ægyptiaca Servitus ...

Place, Year: Heidelberg, 1610
BOOK ID: B.1754
Cosmographey Oder beschreibung Aller Länder ...

Cosmographey Oder beschreibung Aller Länder ...

Place, Year: Basel, 1588
BOOK ID: B.2008
Collection Of Voyages ...

Collection Of Voyages ...

Place, Year: London, 1729
BOOK ID: B.2028
De Sphæra Liber I ...

De Sphæra Liber I ...

Place, Year: Basel, 1585
BOOK ID: B.1918
Voyages Du Seigneur De Villamont ...

Voyages Du Seigneur De Villamont ...

Place, Year: Rouen, 1610
BOOK ID: B.0362
Universus Terrarum Orbis Scriptorum Calamo Delineatus ...

Universus Terrarum Orbis Scriptorum Calamo Delineatus ...

Place, Year: Padua, 1713
BOOK ID: B.1791
Discrittione De L’ Asia, Et Europa ...

Discrittione De L’ Asia, Et Europa ...

Place, Year: Venice, 1544
BOOK ID: B.1795
Purchas his Pilgrimage ...

Purchas his Pilgrimage ...

Place, Year: London, 1626
BOOK ID: B.2199
Die drey Theile der Welt ...

Die drey Theile der Welt ...

Place, Year: Munich, 1727-1729
BOOK ID: B.2261
Observations Curieuses Sur Le Voyage Du Levant ...

Observations Curieuses Sur Le Voyage Du Levant ...

Place, Year: Rouen, 1668
BOOK ID: B.1961
Voyage Performed By The Late Earl Of Sandwich ...

Voyage Performed By The Late Earl Of Sandwich ...

Place, Year: London, 1799
BOOK ID: B.0318
Twelve Etchings Of The Principal Views & Places Of Interest In Cyprus ...

Twelve Etchings Of The Principal Views & Places Of Interest In Cyprus ...

Year: 1879
BOOK ID: B.0102
Illustrated London News ...

Illustrated London News ...

Place, Year: London, 1878
BOOK ID: B.0174
Étude Du Dialecte Chypriote Moderne Et Médiéval ...

Étude Du Dialecte Chypriote Moderne Et Médiéval ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1883
BOOK ID: B.0017
History Of The War Of Cyprus ...

History Of The War Of Cyprus ...

Place, Year: London, 1687
BOOK ID: B.0211
Mélanges Historiques ...

Mélanges Historiques ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1886
BOOK ID: B.0389
Dictionnaire Géographique De L’Empire Ottoman ...

Dictionnaire Géographique De L’Empire Ottoman ...

Place, Year: St Petersburg, 1873
BOOK ID: B.1239
Reiszbuch gen Hierusalem ...

Reiszbuch gen Hierusalem ...

Place, Year: Freiburg, 1590
BOOK ID: B.0863
Directions For The Mediterranean Pilot ...

Directions For The Mediterranean Pilot ...

Place, Year: London, 1788
BOOK ID: B.1340
Introductio In Universam Geographiam ...

Introductio In Universam Geographiam ...

Place, Year: Brunswick, 1641
BOOK ID: B.2047
De Bello Cyprio Libri Tres ...

De Bello Cyprio Libri Tres ...

Place, Year: Venice, 1545
BOOK ID: B.0158
Cyprische Königsgestalten des Hauses Lusignan ...

Cyprische Königsgestalten des Hauses Lusignan ...

Place, Year: Halle, 1881
BOOK ID: B.0162
Recherches Géographiques Sur L’Isle De Cypre ...

Recherches Géographiques Sur L’Isle De Cypre ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1768
BOOK ID: B.1757
Ἕσπερος Σύγγραμμα Περιοδικὸν ...

Ἕσπερος Σύγγραμμα Περιοδικὸν ...

Place, Year: Leipzig, Athens, 1881-1889
BOOK ID: B.2244
Neue Reysbeschreibung ... von Alcairo nach Mecha ... Cypern/ Rhodis ...

Neue Reysbeschreibung ... von Alcairo nach Mecha ... Cypern/ Rhodis ...

Place, Year: Nuremberg, 1613
BOOK ID: B.2281
Itinerario Da India ...

Itinerario Da India ...

Place, Year: Lisbon, 1611
BOOK ID: B.2375
Egeo Redivivo ...

Egeo Redivivo ...

Place, Year: Modena, 1688
BOOK ID: B.0283
Newe Reisz Beschreibung ausz Teutschland Nach Constantinopel ...

Newe Reisz Beschreibung ausz Teutschland Nach Constantinopel ...

Place, Year: Nuremberg, 1639
BOOK ID: B.2137
Troisième Voyage Du Sieur Paul Lucas, Fait En M. DCCXIV ...

Troisième Voyage Du Sieur Paul Lucas, Fait En M. DCCXIV ...

Place, Year: Rouen, 1719
BOOK ID: B.2313
True Relation Of The Travailes and most miserable Captivitie of William Davies ...

True Relation Of The Travailes and most miserable Captivitie of William Davies ...

Place, Year: London, 1614
BOOK ID: B.2639
Nouveau Et Dernier Voyage De Jerusalem ...

Nouveau Et Dernier Voyage De Jerusalem ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1633
BOOK ID: B.2282
Viaggi Fatti Da Vinetia ...

Viaggi Fatti Da Vinetia ...

Place, Year: Venice, 1543
BOOK ID: B.2519
Relation Historique, D’Un Voyage ... Au Mont De Sinaï Et A Jerusalem ...

Relation Historique, D’Un Voyage ... Au Mont De Sinaï Et A Jerusalem ...

Place, Year: Toul, 1704
BOOK ID: B.0423
New Voyage To The Levant ...

New Voyage To The Levant ...

Place, Year: London, 1696
BOOK ID: B.0257
Discours Du Voyage D’ Outre Mer Au Sainct Sepulcre De Ierusalem ...

Discours Du Voyage D’ Outre Mer Au Sainct Sepulcre De Ierusalem ...

Place, Year: Lyon, 1573
BOOK ID: B.2647
Il Viaggio All’ Indie Orientali ...

Il Viaggio All’ Indie Orientali ...

Place, Year: Rome, 1672
BOOK ID: B.2528
Hierusalemsche Reyse ...

Hierusalemsche Reyse ...

Place, Year: Antwerp, 1673
BOOK ID: B.2535
Les Six Voyages De Jean Baptiste Tavernier ...

Les Six Voyages De Jean Baptiste Tavernier ...

Place, Year: Amsterdam, 1678
BOOK ID: B.2529
Memoires Du Chevalier D’Arvieux ...

Memoires Du Chevalier D’Arvieux ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1735
BOOK ID: B.2176
Nouvelle Relation De L’Interieur Du Serrail Du Grand Seigneur ...

Nouvelle Relation De L’Interieur Du Serrail Du Grand Seigneur ...

Place, Year: Amsterdam, 1678
BOOK ID: B.2557
Recueil De Cent Estampes ...

Recueil De Cent Estampes ...

Place, Year: Paris, 1714
BOOK ID: B.2014