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Scripture Geography...


John Seller, was active as an instrument maker, surveyor, cartographer and publisher. He was appointed hydrographer to King Charles II in 1671. Seller is particularly important in the history of cartography as the publisher of the first English Pilot, but he also produced atlases, works on navigation, almanacs and loose sheet maps. Because of the rarity of complete copies of this work, we append a list of the plates.

Book Details
Book ID

Scripture Geography. Or a Booke of Mapps of all the Countreys and places Mentioned in the old and new Testament. By Iohn Seller. Very usefull for the understanding of the Scriptures And may be bound up in Bibles.

Short Title

Scripture Geography...

Small 8vo
1st edition
Place of publication
Publishing responsibility
John Seller
ca. 1670
Plates & Maps

01. Asia
02. A Chart of the Mediterranean Sea. By John Seller. [with Cyprus]
03. A Geneological Table of the Sons of Noah.
04. A:Mapp. Shewing how the World was Divided among the Sons of Noah after the Flood. / By Iohn Seller
05. Paradise or the Garden of Eden With the Countries Circumjacent Inhabited by the Patriarchs [with Cyprus]
06. A Map Of Canaan as it was Divided in Abrahams time into the Heptachy [sic] or the 7 Kingdomes of the 1 Hittites. 2 Girgashites. 3 Amorites. 4 Canaanites. 5 Perezites. 6 Hivites, and 7 Ichusites. By Iohn Seller.
07. Canaan as it was Divided into 31 Kingdomes before ye Posession therof by the Israelites
08. The Journeys of the Israelites in the Desert of Paran.
09. The Land of Canaan Divided into 12 Tribes
10. The Tribe of Iudah
11. The Tribe of Benjamin
12. A. Mapp of the Tribe of Ruben.
13. Manasseh on the East side of Iordan By Iohn Seller.
14. A. Mapp of the Tribe of Manasseh On the West of Iordan
15. A. Mapp of the Tribe of Ephraim. By Iohn Seller.
16. A Mapp of the Tribe of Gad.
17. A. Mapp of the Tribe of Asher
18. A. Mapp of the Tribe of Issachar By Iohn Seller.
19. A. Mapp of the Tribe of Simeon By Iohn Seller.
20. A. Mapp of the Tribe of Zebulun
21. A. Mapp of the Tribe of Dan By Iohn Seller.
22. A. Mapp of the Tribe of Napthali
23. Moriah or ye Circumjacent Country about Ierusalem
24. Canaan as it was divided into the Provinces of Jewry Samaria and Galilee
25. Ægypt by Iohn Seller
26. Canaan as it was Divided into the Kingdomes of Iudah and Israel
27. A Mapp Shewing the Travels of S.t Paul and others of the Apostles And those Lands and Countreys where the Gospell of Christ was first Preached, being a great help in the Reading of the New Testament. By Iohn Seller. [with Cyprus]
28. Libanon and Parts Ajacent.
29. A Mapp of Midian Moab Ammon and Edom
30. Canaan as it was devided [sic] into 4 Tetrarchies Judah, Gallee [sic], Abilene, and Iturea otherwise Trachonitis