Cosmographie De Levant...
Τhevet travelled in the Levant for five years, having arrived in Constantinople in 1549 in the entourage of the French ambassador to the Porte, Gabriel de Luetz d'Aramon. He explored Asia Minor in company with Pierre Gilles. Thevet was later appointed royal cosmographer to Henri II. The woodcuts of this work are by Bernard Salomon, called Bernard le Petit, who worked for de Tournes on a regular basis. They include costume figures, antiquities, animals, and hunting scenes, among other subjects.
Cosmographie De Levant, Par F. André Theuet D’Angovlesme. A Lyon Par Ian De Tovrnes, Et Gvil. Gazeav. M. D. LIIII. Auec Priuilege du Roy.
Cosmographie De Levant...