Nouveau Voyage Fait Au Levant ...
Tollot wrote articles for the Journal Helvétique, but this is his only book. He joined the mathematician and astronomer Charles-Marie de La Condamine on his tour to the Levant, 1731-1732, and this is the only published account of their travels. They spent almost a month in Cyprus, which they reached in September 1731. Their stay in Cyprus was full of adventure, including an attempt on their hotelier Gaillotte, whom they protected against the gendarmes.
Nouveau Voyage Fait Au Levant, ès années 1731 & 1732. Contenant les descriptions d’Alger, Tunis, Tripoly de Barbarie, Alexandrie en Egypte, Terre Sainte, Constantinople, &c. Par le sieur Tollot. A Paris Chez Andre’ Cailleau, Libraire, Place de Sorbonne, au coin de la ruë des Maçons, à Saint André. M. DCC. XLII. Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roy.
Nouveau Voyage Fait Au Levant ...