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Frequently Asked Questions

13th Scholarship Programme - Academic year 2025-2026

What is the deadline for submitting applications and supporting documents?
The deadline for applications and supporting documents is 30 April 2025 (23:59).

The subject of the postgraduate studies for which I am applying for a scholarship is not related to Cyprus. May I apply?
No. Applications that do not include proposals for a thesis or doctoral dissertation with Cyprus as its central theme will be automatically rejected from the evaluation process.
The Sylvia Ioannou Foundation Scholarship Programme concerns postgraduate studies (Master or PhD) in any scientific field, but Cyprus must be the thematic axis of the dissertation.
In other words, the basic condition is that the island of Cyprus will be the central subject of study of the master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation, regardless of the field of study. Indicatively, the research topic could be related to history, geography, culture, society, architecture, archaeology, etc., of Cyprus.

Clarifications regarding the minimum accepted GPA of the degree.
Applications may be submitted only by candidates who hold a University degree (undergraduate studies) with a GPA of at least eight (8.00). The degree of postgraduate studies (if any) will be taken into account in the evaluation of the application.

I do not meet all the conditions for submission of an application. Will my application go through the evaluation process?
No. Applications that do not meet the requirements of this announcement will be excluded from the evaluation process.

I am already a postgraduate or doctoral student. Can I apply for a scholarship?
Yes. Scholarship applications may be submitted by candidates who are already postgraduate or doctoral students, as long as the conditions set out in the Terms & Procedure section are met.

My undergraduate studies will not have been completed by the deadline for applying for a scholarship. Can I still apply?
Candidates who have not completed their studies by the deadline for applications (30 April 2025) will initially submit only grade transcripts together with their grade point average up to then. If an applicant’s degree or certificate of completion of studies and their final grade point average are not available on the day the application is submitted, they are required to send copies electronically to no later than 30 June 2025.

The subject of my dissertation has not yet been finalised. May I still apply?
The basic condition for the application is that the island of Cyprus is the central subject of study of the master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation, regardless of the field of study. In order to submit an application, it is necessary to provide details of the subject on which the candidate is proposing to work. In the event that there is no approved proposal with an abstract of the work, the applicant has the opportunity to submit a description that clearly demonstrates the relationship of the subject of their study with Cyprus.

The programme for which I wish to apply for a scholarship is free of tuition. Can I apply?
Yes. When submitting you are asked to provide documentation about the amount of tuition in the relative field of the application. If there is no tuition cost, you must submit a signed and certified declaration that states that no tuition is required for the specific study programme.

What is the amount of the scholarship?
The number of scholarships and the amount available per year depends on the number of applicants and the funding offered each year by the Sylvia Ioannou Foundation.

Are scholarships awarded for distance learning programmes?
No scholarships are awarded for part-time study or distance learning programmes. The only exception is when the host university imposes compulsory distance learning due to public health considerations or force majeure for a specified period of time. In this case, the candidate must submit an official document from the host university confirming the above.

I have applied to the Sylvia Ioannou Foundation Scholarship Programme in the past, but was not selected. Can I apply for this year’s programme?
Yes. Applications for each Scholarship Programme are evaluated by the Evaluation Committee each year, independently of any past applications.

I am already a scholar of the Sylvia Ioannou Foundation and I want to apply for the renewal of my scholarship. Do I have to submit a new application?
No. You should contact the Sylvia Ioannou Foundation Scholarship Secretariat at at least thirty (30) days before the end of the spring term for further action.

Which documents may I submit in the field where the income tax statement is requested?
The income tax statement concerns your yearly income. Official documents must be submitted in each field, stating your income as well as your parents' income.
The candidates working in Cyprus may submit an Income Statement or a Wage Certificate from the Tax Department or a Detailed Wage Statement of Insured Person from the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance.
The candidates working in Greece may submit the Tax Return ("tax assessment certificate") from the Independent Authority for Public Revenue.
These documents shall concern the most recent fiscal year.

Which documents may I submit in the field where a property statement is requested?
The property statement refers to the immovable property registered in your name. Official documents must be submitted in each field, stating your property as well as your parents' property.
The candidates working in Cyprus may submit a Search Certificate of Immovable Property from the Department of Lands and Surveys listing their properties.
The candidates working in Greece may submit a Certificate of Declared Assets from the Independent Authority for Public Revenue.
These documents shall concern the most recent fiscal year.

My parents are divorced. Which documents may I submit in the fields where the income tax statement and a property statement of my parents are requested?
You must submit the aforementioned statements of both parents, for the same year.

I am married. Do I have to submit the income tax statement and a property statement of my parents in the related fields?
You must submit your income tax statement and a property statement, as well as those of your parents.