Antonio Millo, Isolario
Author: Antonio Millo
Transcription & Translation: Agamemnon Tselikas
Coordination: Leonora Navari
Language: Greek, English and Italian
Athens, 2006
Author: Antonio Millo
Transcription & Translation: Agamemnon Tselikas
Coordination: Leonora Navari
Language: Greek, English and Italian
Athens, 2006
Antonio [da] Millo, a Greek sailor, then Admiral, from the island of Melos, created several isolarios (island books illustrated with maps), at the end of the 16th century. This volume (Athens 2006) is the first publication of Millo's Isolario. In addition to colour reproductions of all of Millo's beautiful maps and a transcription of his Italian text, the book also includes Greek and English translations of the manuscript original, introductory information and a full index. An edition of interest for anyone passionate about the Mediterranean and its islands.
Hardcover, 29 x 21.5 cm, 300 pages
ISBN: 978-960-87792-2-8
Published by AdVenture SA