Diporti Notturni...
The Diporti Notturni is a curious work, combining a collection of essays on the tactics of warfare with an isolario typology. Engraved by Michelangelo Marrelli, 20 of the 28 maps included depict Cyprus and the islands of the Aegean. Ferretti was a member of the Order of St. Stefano, founded by Cosimo de Medici in the mid-16th century to harass Turkish shipping in the Mediterranean.
Diporti Nottvrni. Dialloghi Familliari Del Cap.o Franc.o Ferretti Cav.ro Dell’ Ordine Di Sa.to Stefano. Con Ladimostratione [sic] Figvrale Intagliata Da Michel’ Angelo Marrelli Anconitano; 1579 [colophon: Stampato In Ancona. Apresso Francesco Saluioni. 1580. Con licentia de Superiori.]
Diporti Notturni...