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The original sheets and plates of the first edition, reissued with a new title-page. The date on the engraved title has not been changed and is exactly as in the first edition, with the date 1702. According to an advert on the title verso, Gosse and Neaulme ‘found’ the leftover sheets of the first edition of Dapper’s work in a storeroom and decided to reissue the work under their own names because it was now scarce. Is it only coincidence that Pieter vander Aa’s tremendous Galerie agréable du monde, which uses plates from Dapper’s work, was completed the previous year? This reissue is much less common than the first edition; Gosse and Neaulme probably had only a small supply of original sheets to work with.

Book Details
Book ID

Description Exacte Des Iles De L’Archipel, Et De Quelques Autres Adjacentes; Dont Les Principales Sont Chypre, Rhodes, Candie, Samos, Chio, Negrepont, Lemnos, Paros, Delos, Patmos, avec un grand nombre d’autres: Comprenant Leurs Noms, leur Situation, leurs Villes, leurs Châteaux, & l’Histoire tant ancienne que moderne de leurs Habitans; leur Gouvernement, les Révolutions qui y sont arrivées; & les Plantes, Animaux, &c. qui s’y trouvent: Enrichie De plusieurs Cartes des Iles, & de Figures en Taille-douce, qui représentent les Habits de leurs Habitans, les Plantes & les Animaux les moins connus, &c. Traduite Du Flamand D’O. Dapper, M. D. A La Haye, Chez Pierre Gosse & Jean Neaulme, M. DCC. XXX.

Short Title

Description Exacte Des Iles De L’Archipel ...

2nd edition in French
Place of publication
The Hague
Publishing responsibility
Pierre Gosse and Jean Neaulme