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Searching Cyprus Insula

A video series about the detail of cartography

Leonora Navari explains how to solve the mysteries of map identification.

Necessary tool in this endeavour is 'Cyprus the Book of Maps', a three-volume annotated catalogue designed to record every printed map of Cyprus within a span of 400 years, from ca 1485 to 1885.

Along with the image and the technical features of each map, the user can find information on the map’s occurrence and/or reoccurrence in various editions, repositories that hold copies of the map and facts regarding its maker(s) and the context of its production, as well as connections with cartographic prototypes and derivatives.



Searching Cyprus Insula
Narrated by: Leonora Navari
Script edited by: Artemis Scutari, Dora Mitsonia
Video edited by: Lefteris Kelaiditis

Cyprus: The Book of Maps. Annotated Catalogue of the Printed Maps of Cyprus
Compiled by: Ashley-Bayton Williams
Learn more about the publication, here.